This week on Crossing The Line, the Congressional Black Caucus was once the conscience of the Congress, but what happened to it and other African American lawmakers in particular regarding the Israel/Palestine issue? We'll speak to noted journalist Glen Ford about the absence of Black lawmakers in the debate for Palestinian self-determination. Also this week, she is one of the best young comediennes' out there. She's brilliant, uncompromising and Palestinian and Maysoon Zayid joins us on this week's show.
Then later The War's Toll compiled and read by Scott Burgwin of The Stand Independent News Service.
I would first like to plead at least partial ignorance of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (war?). That’s why I’m here. I’m seeking information. I know that the media on both sides of this conflict is slanted in their reporting. It is from the people who have lived it and/or lived nearby that we can best find the truth as they see it.
Here is my question: Why are the Palestinians still in refugee camps after 60 years? By that I mean why have no other Arab countries offered them sanctuary? It is not a large number of people compared to the population of Saudi Arabia or Egypt, for example. These countries could easily absorb the additional population. I realize that many might not wish to go, but for those who would like to leave the fighting and raise their children in peace, is there a safe place for them to go. If not, then why not?
...mom...the answer is that the arabs have never ever helped anyone or any people...they are of pure hate and murder...from their first breath....with very few exceptions..and they are run out or killed
I am amazed that anyone can still not understand the term Occupied Palestine : www.occupiedpalestine.net
Nice article, thanks for the information.
It is interested very much
hi! i`m looking for y friend chris brown. Is this still a way to find him?
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